Friday, October 09, 2009

My WSOP bracelet

In the same spirit with which Barack Obama has just accepted the Nobel Prize for peace, I am humbled today to accept Harrah's bestowal upon me of a World Series of Poker bracelet--not for anything I have actually accomplished, but in recognition of the fact that I'm currently doing things which may, with some time and luck, eventually lead to having earned it.

Thank you.


  1. Congratulations. You will be a excellent poker ambassador! I hope you will get your first WPT title soon, without actually playing a event.

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Is this serious? If true, congrats! Yes, you do a terrific job relaying important, and fun, info into the Las Vegas poker world..Can you provide a link?

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Are you serious asking if it's true? It's obviously a check-raise all-in, right jab to Obama's jaw!!!

  4. Barack was more humble about it than you seem to be. He shared the honor with all the little people that made it all possible. In that vein, I accept partial credit for helping you along your way to whatever it is you're gonna do. Or not do. Or maybe sorta do. Or think about doing but not do it, but make people swell with pride that you even thought about doing whatever it is you were gonna do.
    So thank you Grump.

  5. Dude - stick with poker, and stay away from politics.

    Or if you want to talk politics, start with that scum-sucking senator of yours in NV. From NC, I'll raise with an ex-senator who screws around on his cancer-stricken wife and a current senator that votes against letting raped women having their day in court.

    Don't make me go all-in with Jessie Helms... you can't cover that bet.


  6. phrankguy110:26 PM

    Blaarghs reference to the "little people" must be ACORN employees and volunteers? Perhaps the homeless who got a Big Mac for each time they voted fraudulently? Just an educated guess...

  7. I think you are way off in your comparison. You have actually won smaller poker tournaments and have considered the strategy to win larger ones. Barack Obama has never caused any kind of peace or suggested strategies to do so.

    With consideration, it "almost" makes one wonder how he possibly, in any way, could have earned a Nobel Peace Prize.!?!? :-)

  8. Good god, man. Really? Gotta agree with Tim here. I prefer the old-time poker players you read about who didn't know who the current president was.
