Thursday, November 26, 2009

New bridge across the Strip

Yesterday I saw some Twitter messages saying that they had officially opened the pedestrian bridge across Las Vegas Boulevard. It runs from just outside Planet Hollywood/Miracle Mile to the new City Center complex--which is, by the way, just unbelievably huge.

I had been thinking of playing at P.H. tonight anyway, so took a few minutes to check out the new bridge before heading into the poker room. You can see the album of pictures I took of and from the bridge here.

To the haters who like to point out this fact whenever I post a bunch of pictures, let me just admit in advance (and for all time, basically) that I'm not a great photographer. I have no special equipment, no training, and no particular eye for framing, lighting, composition, etc. I just take ordinary touristy snapshots. Sometimes they turn out nice, sometimes they pretty much suck. That's just the way it is, and probably always will be. The idea, though, is to show you things that you might not see otherwise, especially if you don't live here. So take the photos for what they're worth, and if you don't like them, you might consider just saying nothing about that fact while you move on to the next post, or the next blog, or some other pursuit more worthwhile than pointing out that my pictures aren't the world's best. Because, really, how does such a complaint help anything or anybody?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Interesting shots, and thanks for sharing them. FWIW, I never expect a poker player with a cell phone to shoot pro quality photos, just enjoy seeing what you find as you roam about.

    And---Happy Thanksgiving!
