Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Expect little

I'm off to spend the holidays with Cardgrrl in Washington, D.C. It's possible there will be a jaunt up to Atlantic City, but I kind of doubt it. So little poker and probably not much incentive to write until a couple of days into the new year. Of course, you never know when something will pop into my head and need an outlet, so I might surprise us all. But if you don't see anything here except the automatically-deploying "Guess the casino" posts, that's why. I'll be back at things soon enough.


  1. phrankguy19:47 PM

    Wishing you trouble-free travels and a great Christmas.

  2. Happy trails, sir.

    OK, so now that he's gone: any of you later-day rail-birds have the skinny on this "Ross and Rachel" vibe? Will they? Won't they? Did they? Don't they? I admit: this romantic undercurrent keeps me coming back. Ah, heck, now I have the theme song to "Friends" in my head. Not that there's anything wrong with that....
