Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I'm not dead

I just wish I were.

I'm on day three of the sickest I've been since moving to town 3 1/2 years ago: nose a snot factory, coughing, every cell aches, fever peaked at 101.3 last night.

I can't blame it on the WPBT weekend, like others who are posting from their deathbeds, as I didn't stay up unusually late, and had not a single drop of booze. Not sure what has afflicted me. It's not acting quite like typical influenza, but it's also obviously not just a cold either. Not that a precise diagnosis would do me any good.

So I'm just staying home, feeling pitifully sorry for myself, watching Netflix movies, napping fitfully when I can. Maybe somebody will come along and give me a good clunk on the head to put me out of my misery.


  1. My wife had this. It's H1N1. You won't die because you're about the right age to be relatively immune. You will start to feel a little better after three days and will recover after one week.


  2. It can't be H1N1. If it is I want my vaccine back! :)

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    guess that free flu shot that was scammed, was unnecessary or defective in some way....Karma?

  4. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Can you be more of a drama queen?

  5. Karma's a bitch ain't it? Seriously though, I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Sudafed (w/psudenephrine (sp?)) will help you feel much better during the day. NyQuil before you try to go to sleep will help you sleep and make you more rested. The old reliables such as chicken noodle soup and water will also help.

  7. astrobel10:42 AM

    Get better Grump !
