Thursday, February 25, 2010

Point me in the direction of Albuquerque

I admit it: when I was a kid, I loved "The Partridge Family." I wanted to be as smart-alecky as Danny Bonaduce (though I grew up a tad more sane than he did), had a crush on Susan Dey, and wished I had a mom as cool as Shirley Jones. So it is perhaps not surprising that my first real awareness of one of the most strangely named (and hard to spell) cities in this country came from a 1974 Partridge Family hit and the accompanying episode of the television show.

Today for the first time ever, I'm heading there. My BFF Cardgrrl is visiting her sister for a few days, and I'm joining them. I am not planning on taking my computer, so probably won't be posting anything until after I get back to Vegas. But I do expect to spend some pokering time in the Sandia casino. Look for me there if you live in the area.

In the meantime, for those of you who may have missed the musical gem referred to in the first paragraph above, enjoy this sampling from the relevant episode:

And for those of you who have difficulty playing Flash videos, you can listen to the song on with no video here.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Watch for the collusion and bad attitudes from the locals, especially when you take their money. Other than that enjoy.

  2. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I think only pre-teen girls are allowed to use the phrase BFF.

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    no dude should have a BFF...
