Friday, March 05, 2010

My picks

OK, since everybody else is doing it, might as well jump on the bandwagon. Above is my set of predictions about the NBC Heads-Up Poker Championship, starting about two hours from now at Caesars Palace. I won't even try to explain or justify my picks; most of them are nothing more than random guesses. In the past my predictions have tended to be about 50% right, 50% wrong. Imagine that! I expect to do about the same this time around. But it's fun anyway.

On second thought, maybe I'll do better than I did last year, since today I'm filling in the bracket without being stoned on Ambien.

I won't be sitting in the audience today. Instead, I'm planning to join the Ironmen of Poker in a 2 pm tournament at Treasure Island.

1 comment:

  1. Surprised to see you plump for Jamie Gold to win any match !

    The left hand side of the draw looks particularly tough - with the 'Hearts' quarter looking the 'Softest'.

    If they're offering 1/2 Odds 1-2 then JP Kelly I would expect to be decent value at biggish odds
