Friday, April 09, 2010

Oh yeah, I've seen him

Couldn't sleep for long, so I'm up at 4:00 in the freakin' a.m. Bleah.

Web surfing with the TV on. It's the channel 8 (KLAS) morning show. They just had a story about a series of home break-ins in the Las Vegas valley. They showed this official composite sketch of one of the suspects:

Hey, I'm pretty sure I've seen that guy! It's Dumb Donald!

On another subject entirely, while I was looking for the above images, one of the hosts, Chris Saldana, teased an upcoming story about some new coronary-inducing KFC entree by reading from his cue card, "It's the epitome of chicken taste." Except he pronounced epitome as EPP-i-toam. Good Lord. Do you even have to have graduated from high school to get that job?


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Yes, the epitome mistake is egregious. But until you've tried to read, live, off of a prompter. I'd hold off on questioning someone's intellegence.

  2. Dan in Minnesota10:48 AM

    "...I'd hold off on questioning someone's intellegence."

    There has to be a God. How else to explain such gifts!
