Friday, May 21, 2010

Quick life update

Nope--not writing about the fish found at poker tables. The above is part of the decor at Kinkead's, one of the nicest restaurants I've ever dined at. Cardgrrl and I ate there tonight, my belated Valentine's Day gift to her, as it's her favorite eatery. I'm not so big on seafood, which is their speciality, but I had a Jamaican whole roasted yellowtail snapper with banana-habernero ketchup and mango salsa, which was surprisingly good. I was even so adventurous as to take a couple of bites of Cardgrrl's squid appetizer. Then we had for dessert the most luscious sorbets I've ever tasted--a trio of pineapple, sour cherry, and mixed berry.

We spent much of the day shopping for some clothes for her and for a gift for the wedding we're attending tomorrow. (For those keeping score, that's two new life experiences in one day--clothes shopping with Cardgrrl and eating squid.) Thursday Cardgrrl was at the TedXPotomac conference with some friends, which had been planned long before this trip. I just slept, puttered around, and went for a walk in the neighborhood. Tomorrow is the wedding, and after that I really don't know what the rest of this trip will entail. It's not like we spent months planning out every minute.

That's what I've been up to. Yeah, I know it's pretty uninteresting to read about--no need to express such a gripe in the comments.


  1. I love Kinkead's! I went to GW and that's where students get their parents to take them when they come to town. My old stomping grounds. :)

  2. Anonymous1:58 AM

    bob, u have a crush? mutual?

  3. Nonsense! I love reading about other people's fun trips and meals. It makes me look forward to my forthcoming vacation that much more.

    Enjoy! Mangia!

  4. astrobel5:25 AM

    When are you two getting married ???
