Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dwan vs. Hellmuth

Well worth watching, IMO.


  1. buttnugget6:35 PM

    Doyle Brunson must be an idiot throwing away a perfectly good 2-4 off suit like that. No doubt the flop would have been different if he had kept them!! ;)

  2. Gunslinger8:24 PM

    That made my day. :)

  3. Anonymous11:20 PM

    This could just be your recent reference to Steve Wiebe, but Phil Hellmuth is reminding me more and more of Billy Mitchell.


  4. zippyboy12:15 AM

    Dwan is my hero. Kid bursts on the scene ahead of all his Internet colleagues of the day, plays all the big cash games live and on TV, fearlessly aggressive, and has the best blank stare when you're trying to get a read on him. Then when he IS beat, still maintains composure and says "Nice hand." And manages to keep his private life out of the trademags. Keep it up, Tom. Well done.

  5. My favorite hand from that session.

    I must be a bit of a sadist, because I've decided that if I can give my opponents a truly painful decision, I've probably made the right bet.

    Judging by the look on Phil's face right after Tom made the bet, it was about the right size. Phil looked like he wanted to throw up.

  6. Nice comment Zippy, I agree.
    I totally understand the call though - Hellmuth has been run over by Dwan and Phil probably thinks Dwan is playing on his (Hellmuth's) tendency to fold in big spots. Dwan continues to own Hellmuth.
