Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Birthday grrl

Today is my dear friend Cardgrrl's birthday. I'm actually writing this on August 1, but if all goes as planned, I will be in D.C. for a visit as you're reading this. It's hard to imagine, I know, but she seems to like having this old grump around once in a while. I may never understand why, but I'm pleased and humbled that it is so.

The photo above is one I snapped casually, mostly out of boredom, while waiting for our food to be delivered at the Harrah's cafe in March. When I looked at it on the computer later, it quickly became one of my favorites. She doesn't think much of the shot, but I think she looks beautiful. I love how it captures her mysterious little smile and askance look (which I have been on the receiving end of countless times). There is both kindness and intelligence in those eyes, don't you think?

Please go visit her blogs, Raise or Fold and Something Beautiful, and leave a note either there or here joining me in wishing her much joy on this day.

Happy birthday, my sweet.


  1. The smile is like the Mona Lisa in that you wonder what she's thinking.

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Just get it over with and propose already!

  3. Happy birthday Cardgrrl. I hope the two of you enjoy the day!

  4. You've got it bad. Do a background check on her. She looks like a sneaky cardplayer!

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Marry her!!!!

    BTW, her "Raise or Fold" blog hasn't been updated since April..
