Tuesday, August 17, 2010


In about an hour I'm leaving for the swampland which our Founding Fathers saw fit to designate as the nation's armpit capitol. The lovely Cardgrrl asked me to pay her a visit for her birthday, and it seemed like a good idea. After all, a girl turns 29 only once. I'll be there through next Wednesday.

Last night I finished reading Pauly's Lost Vegas. It's a great read, but for personal reasons it has left me with a bunch of very weird feelings that I think will take some time and rumination to sort out, put labels on, and figure out how to describe. I smell a long, rambling post to come out of that process around the time I return home.


  1. You meant to say once a year, didn't you?

  2. Have a great time! Please give my best to the birthday girl! :)
