Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stupidest arguments yet...

...for not legalizing online gaming:


(Thanks to @GamingCounsel for the pointer.)

Hint to Professor Kindt: In addition to the other idiotic arguments you make, as soon as you say the words "crack cocaine of gambling," everybody knows not to take you seriously.


  1. Calling that guy an 'expert' is quite a stretch.

    Reading the article I see lots of opinion and no data. Gimme a break.

  2. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Have heard video poker referred to as "the crack cocaine of gambling." Perhaps the good professor has the two confused. Since he doesn't know what he is talking about, seems likely.

  3. There are so many problems with the professor's arguments that is difficult to know where to begin. The professor seems upset that investors bought stock in online gambling companies sold on a stock exchange in London, then lost a lot of money when they sold their stock at a lower price than the price they paid to buy it. Isn't that the risk any investor takes when shares of any company are purchased on a stock exchange? Also, if the attempted ban of online gambling was the cause of the stock price decline and the loss of investor money, isn't that an argument in favor of repealing the ban?
