Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lawsuit of the year (so far)

Oh, sure, you've seen the video clip of the idiotic woman walking into the mall fountain while texting on her phone. You may have even heard that she is now threatening to sue the mall's security team for not rushing to pull her out.

But though it was a noble effort, she does not top the lawsuit chutzpah charts this week. That award belongs right here in Las Vegas. You gotta read this, just for the sheer can't-believe-it quality:


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Thank you, Grump. That was by far the most entertaining thing I have read this week.

  2. Amazing. They couldn't make up stuff like this.

  3. GeorgeX1:59 PM

    They fountain lady is trash. Reports surfaced that she had used her coworker's credit card without permission to buy thousands of dollars of jewelry for herself. It is a shame that such lawsuits are allowed to get off the ground.

  4. We need tort reform. SOON.
