Sunday, June 19, 2011

Memphis represented

Congrats to Memphis Mojo for a $5031 prize in the WSOP seniors event. See here for his denouement.

I liked this part of the story:
One cute hand was in respect to the PokerGrump. The table dynamics were that usually somebody raised three times the big blind and won the pot preflop. Because the blinds and antes were getting high, the pot to be won was substantial. I was in the cutoff seat with the mighty 2-4 off-suit and raised to T6000, expecting to win it right there. Unfortunately, both blinds called, ouch. The flop was 7-7-8, an excellent one for my purposes. They both checked and I bet T12,000. The small blind folded and the big blind gave me a dirty look and said, "I don't believe you for a minute," but he also folded!
One of the lesser-known powers of the Deuce-Four is that it performs Jedi mind tricks on opponents, causing them to fold hands that are currently ahead. Of course, this is really a favor to them, because the next two cards off the deck were certainly going to be 4-4, and somebody would have lost more money calling you down with an ace.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I like it very much!

  2. Thanks for the mention. I'd been looking to steal the blinds and when I saw the 2-4, I couldn't resist.
