Friday, June 17, 2011

More pokery license plates

Once again I had occasion to walk through the Rio parking lot on my way into and out of the convention center area, and once again there were several poker-themed license plates.

I do not have mad photography skillz, as I don't know how to keep my fingers out of the way of the lens. (In my defense, the sun was at a low angle and I couldn't see a thing on the phone's LCD screen. This was taken blind.)

Nice one on a big SUV from California. (Compare it to the second one posted on Pokerati here.)

I get the DB9 part--it's an Aston Martin. But QQ7? I have to guess that somebody won the last pot of a big 7-card stud tournament with QQ7 as his starting hand.

May or may not be poker-related. I choose to believe that it is.

Sorry for the crappy image. I had to use my little pocket flashlight to get anything at all to show up, but it was too good to pass by.

Definitely not poker materials. But I grew up in Champaign-Urbana, and attended the University of Illinois for both undergrad and graduate school, so I felt obligated to give this plate a little love.


  1. Sauza8:07 AM

    I think the driver is a James Bond fan, and DB9 007 was already taken.

  2. Not sure if you're kidding (probably are, I'm not good with sarcasm on the internet) but QQ7 is just because the Qs look enough like zeros and 007 was taken.

  3. You're probably kidding (I'm not good with sarcasm on the internet) but 007 was taken and the Q looks closest to a zero.

  4. I currently live in Bloomington IL and my wife went to U of I and I spent a lot of time over there. We still go to football games. Have been a silent reader of you blog for years. You have given me another reason to like it.

    Farraz Jacka (sp?) went to U of I maybe it is his car. So did Greenstein but I doubt he would drive a Mustang.

    Good luck in the senior tournament grump.

  5. Mark T11:40 PM

    Yikes! I'm an Illini as well, though I didn't grow up in C-U (I grew up in Lake County).

    No wonder I like your writing style...
