Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Way to stay classy, Bluff

So Bluff magazine's managing editor earlier today put up an online piece in which, without further comment or explanation, she casually refers to women as "broads." See here.

Next time, why not just go with "bitches"?

Just in case the page gets removed or altered later, a screen shot is below.


  1. And it's not even buried in the text below. It's blown out in the title.

    Very nice work, bluff...

  2. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the headline was written by someone else (that's often the case). Not an excuse, however.

  3. ManInBlack6:05 PM

    I stand behind Jess Wellman. She is an upstanding person and journalist. You just seem too sensitive. Hell I hear worse at the poker table then she said

  4. Horrible. A lot of chicks don't like being called broads.

  5. Sigh. I suppose this is something that has to be reiterated just about every time it comes up, because so many people seem incapable of grasping it.

    The fact that I disagree with somebody's opinion, think that they got something wrong, or condemn them for doing something that I think is offensive or otherwise sub-par, does not mean that I think that said person is a rotten, awful human being. I have nothing against Jess. In fact, I usually admire and enjoy her work.

    It is fully possible to say that this one use of a word was worthy of condemnation, and yet feel that the person behind it is "upstanding." ManInBlack, you seem to think that it's all or nothing, you either stand behind her and think she's upstanding and beyond reproach, or you're just generally against her. I reject that simplistic dichotomy.

    I'm calling out one specific regrettable choice of words, while you seem to think that I'm issuing a blanket denunciation of her as a person. I said absolutely nothing that could reasonably be taken that way.

  6. I do not see broads as a bad word.. much better than bitches.. obviously they were going for the snazzy coveted BBB title.

  7. ManInBlack7:07 PM

    Call me out all you want, but you are wrong with your generalization of me. I in no way say she is perfect, but you are continuing to show your bias in regards to this situation. I have sat across the poker table from you in the past and have heard you either say alot worse, and sit by in silence as others say alot worse to/about females. Also the onl;y reference to "Broads/Chicks/ect" is in the title to the article which her boss probably put on as the heading.

  8. ManInBlack7:10 PM

    I also find it funny how Cardgrrl defended her by saying it may not even have been her writing the headline either, but you ignore that. That also shows a biased view by you. Obviously you don't wanna disagree with your wife/gf here.
