Saturday, July 09, 2011

PeeGee's Big Adventure, Part 7: Day 1, the coverage

With this post I run the risk of being thought vain. But, after all, every post is always all about me--what I've been doing, thinking, reading, or whatever. It's kind of the nature of personal blogging. This is not really any different. For my own purposes, I just wanted to compile links to what other people wrote about my Day 1 experience, and if any readers find them interesting or amusing, well, fine, but please don't feel obligated to follow every one. Unless you're one of my stalkers, of course, in which case you pretty much have to.

As the day began, Shamus did a post for PokerNews about how I won the seat. He then followed it the next day with a kind, thoughtfully written post on his own blog reflecting about how it made him feel to have friends playing in the event--especially when they clashed in hands, as will inevitably happen. (Creative kudos for managing to tie "Grumpy" in with the theme of the guy who played dressed as Snow White.)

The lead photo for the Las Vegas Sun's story about the start of the Main Event caught the back of my head in the foreground, which I find pretty funny. As Glenn (aka MissingFlops) cleverly Tweeted, "Everyone keeps getting the big guy in the orange shirt in their pictures of @PokerGrump." His own example of the genre is here.

Another who stopped by briefly for an encouraging word was Stacey of Las Vegas Poker Source. Her obligatory photo is here. That is, of course, my favoritest, luckiest hoodie I'm wearing there, complete with Grumpy on it (though not seen in that photo), courtesy of Cardgrrl. The other patch you can see is that of Two players at the table asked me about the site, and the logo might have been captured in a bunch of photos, so maybe I got them a little free publicity and a few more visitors. AVP kindly set up a forum page just for updates/comments on my progress, here.

Incidentally, when I saw the table lineup, I thought there was a decent chance we'd be one of the TV featured tables and I would then have some small shot at selling ad space on my clothing, but that didn't happen. Guess I'll have to wait for the final table. (Ha!)

Wasted Aces Poker clicked a bunch of photos and wrote up a brief story here.

Oskar Garcia covers poker, gaming generally, and other stuff about life in Vegas for the Associated Press. His stories about Day 1A are here and here. Shockingly, he does not mention me. (Do I need to add the #sarcasm hashtag there?) But he did come by my table, so we finally got to meet and chat a bit, following a few months of conversing via Twitter (he is @OskarGarcia, and well worth following for the topics mentioned), which was very nice.

In fact, I am generally privileged to have an unusual number of friends in poker media circles, and nearly every one of them at some point sent encouraging messages electronically, stopped by to chat, or just gave me a knowing smile, nod, or wink while passing by on their news-gathering way. There were obviously much more famous players at my table, but, with the exception of Greg Raymer, none of them had as much personal attention as I received. I really don't think I'm an attention whore (the appearance of posts like this notwithstanding), but I'm grateful that my friends are willing to pause for a bit of discreet well-wishing while carrying out their reportorial duties.

That's all the links that I can remember offhand. I am, of course, mentioned in the official end-of-day chip counts here, but you'll have to scroll a long, long, long way down to find me (#545, 11 spots below Maria Ho)--almost the very shortest stack surviving from my flight.

Tomorrow: Last post about Day 1, to include some of the more interesting hands I played.

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