Thursday, September 29, 2011


I beat Mrs. Lederer heads-up for the winner-take-all world championship of 8-game mix. Only six players on the face of the earth were deemed qualified to even play in this prestigious event. To win, I had to suck out on her over and over again, with the most ridiculously unlikely combinations, in every one of the games, but I was up to that challenge!

Now I just have to decide how to spend my 3000 points.


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    y u no announce?


  2. This wasn't my tournament. It was an AVP ( club home game. All members of the club got invitations. Anybody can join, too.

  3. BigTikit7:50 PM

    Is that the real Mrs. Lederer? She could probably use the money right now, seeing that the DOJ froze Howard's funds.
