Monday, December 12, 2011

Betting stories

I just spent a pleasant hour or so reading this small collection of gambling stories:

Each tells the story of a single bet--on a horse race, a boxing match, blackjack, a chess match, along with reflections on life as revealed in the game in question. I like the author's writing style and hope that there will be more in this series.


  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Fantastic Link. Also enjoyed Dispatches from an Indian Casino...all 17 of them.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Yeah, I've been enjoying those as well. I also really like Ben Greenman's Charts About Graphs and Graphs About Charts. McSweeney's is a great time-killing site.

  3. Nice talking with you Thursday night at the WPBT gathering at the Sherwood Forest bar. I wish we'd had a little more time to talk throughout the weekend.

    Best wishes!

  4. Thanks for the link - I shall take my time reading each entry over the next week or so - very enjoyable, so far!

  5. very nice thanks for this link. I enjoyed quite a few. I am an avid blogger and I like his style as well.
