Thursday, December 01, 2011

I missed the blog's big birthday

And I missed it by a long way. It was 30 days ago, and it was just today that I realized that I've been doing this bloggery thing for five years now.

Here's the very first post, from October 30, 2006:

I don't have anything profound to say about the passage of that interval of time. To use my girlfriend's favorite (hah!) expression, it is what it is. But I thought I'd point it out anyway.

Thanks for sticking around.


  1. Seems like there is quite a bit less cursing in this blog since that first entry.

    Happy anniversary, Grump! err, Grump's Blog.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Congrats on 5 years and I hope you have many more. Your blog is the first one I check each day before checking Very Josie's next.


  3. Happy Happy Belated!

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM

    It's been good, but was better before tweeeting,

  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of your blog.

    Your link to the first post gave me a chance to catch up on some nice reading material.

    On November, 17th 2006, you posted an arcticle titled "Overly Chatty Dealers", where in there was a deadly hand that was developing on a board of 10, J, 4 (two suited). You did not conclude the hand as that was not the topic of the discussion. Do you remember whether you won a big pot?

    I was in a similar situation recently at Chuck (CT) where in I was in EP on a 1/2 table. I bet 10 with pocket 10's. Five callers to the flop.

    Flop comes: 10, J, 4 (2 spades)
    SB checks, BB checks, I bet 35 (to thin the heard), LP calls and BB calls. Pot: 155.

    Turn: Q Club
    BB checks, I bet 40, reraised to 120 by LP, BB thinks and calls and I call. Pot: 515.

    River: 5 Spade
    BB goes all-in, I fold and LP open folds 44. BB turns around K3 spades.

    There were a lot of chances for me to win the pot had I bet or played differently, but it was what it was in the end.

  6. Still my "must read" after 5 years. OK, OK, I haven't been here from the beginning, but still enjoy reading of your exploits each day.

    Continued good luck at the tables and personal life!

  7. Nice first post. Congrats on 5 years. Always an interesting read, Grump.
