Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Another nice online cash

I knew early on that today was going to be a kind of lazy, stay-home day, trying a few more online tournaments. And it was. I did four of them in the afternoon, but scored just one min-cash. Disappointing.

I went offline, had dinner, watched a movie, made a batch of absolutely perfect brownies. (Best mix is Ghirardelli's "Chocolate Supreme." That company makes about 7 different variations, but the "Chocolate Supreme" is the one to get.) I decided that I had one more shot in me for the day. I checked Black Chip Poker, and there was a $3000 guarantee $10 rebuy event underway. It had been running for 30 minutes or so already, so if I joined I would be at somewhat of a chip disadvantage. But I had the itch, and it was the only tourney of the right game type, buy-in that I wanted, etc. So I took it.

I doubled up on my second hand, so never felt the need for any rebuys or for the add-on at the first break. My investment, therefore, was minimal. The prize pool was $3820 from 160 players, so the average investment was about $24. I got in cheap.

I played my very best, made good decisions throughout. Never got outrageously lucky. The worst I ever got it in was about 2 spots off the bubble, I was down to 14 big blinds and shoved with a suited J-9 in late position, got called by A-K offsuit. Flop A-J-9. That gave me enough chips that I didn't have much of a sweat of making the money after that.

People kept going out fast, and we moved up and up the money ladder. The end came when I was third in chips with four left, but still pretty healthy stacks. The biggest stack raised with K-10, I reraised with A-10 from the small blind. He called. Flop was 10-Q-2. I shoved, he called. And you can sort of guess what happened:

Frickin' 3-outer on the river! Winning that pot would have put me in prime position to take the whole thing down, for a top prize of $1031. Sigh.

Oh well. The $347 I got instead is still the biggest online score I've had since Black Friday last year. Besides, the cash was enough to make my earning rate for the day around $40 per hour. So I shouldn't complain.

You remember that I mentioned the other day that Josie is always trying to get me to do multi-table tournaments instead of single-tables? Well, though it pains me greatly to say this, it's theoretically POSSIBLE that Josie was right.


  1. Congrats. It appears that your post had a font problem, however. The final three words were much too large.

  2. I wonder if playing poker on the internet will ever catch on.

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    1.) You call those BROWNIES? *shaking my head* Don't make me send you a care package of real ones.

    2.) Congrats on the deep run!

    3.) Toldya so!

    1. Nice job. She's right - MTTs are the nutz if you don't mind short-term variance.

  4. So is that real money from Black Chip? I've heard stories about some real poker with real paybacks, but I just kinda assumed it couldn't be so!

  5. Congratulation for the win! Sounds like a fun night for you. Glad you followed that itch. :)
