Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cards for pot--it's a trade

People, people, people--when will you ever learn? Do not muck what you believe to be the winning hand until the dealer pushes you the pot. This is not that difficult a concept. You gain nothing by trying to jump the gun and muck them the first instant you think the hand is over, and once in a while you'll lose a great deal, as illustrated by a story from yesterday at the WSOP:

(Hat tip: Hard-Boiled Poker.)


  1. Wow, 1st raiser got screwed on this ruling if you ask me.

  2. In a way, yes. But: (1) She got 60,000 free chips with zero risk of a suckout. And (2) the ruling was exactly as the WSOP rulebook prescribes, so the floor staff can't be faulted. (It drives me crazy when they don't follow their own rules, which is often.)

  3. Why wasn't the raise-folder committed to at least a min-raise of 90K instead of a call of 60K? He clearly raised ...

  4. Them's the rules as published by the WSOP. See #89 here:

    Does it make sense? Not really. He has a dead hand--how does he get ANY chips back with a dead hand? I.e., the original raiser should be given the choice to call, which she will, unless she's a moron, because any live hand beats any dead hand. But they didn't ask me.

  5. Well, three cheers for rules??

    I get wanting to protect players against an overly aggressive dealer or fluke event killing a hand, but holding them to just a call seems a bit too lenient.

    Seriously, with tens of thousands, if not millions, of dollars on the line, would it kill players to be just a bit more protective of their cards??

  6. Halbonzo7:51 PM

    mThis gets even better. The guy that was all in and mucked is the same guy that knocked her out in 10th place. If she wins that pot , he is out and she is final table of wsop. WOW !!! You should have a entire new post about this now !! you called it in a way grump.
