Thursday, August 02, 2012

A picture is worth 1000 words


  1. Anonymous2:50 AM


  2. all i see is a picture of me sitting out (id forgotten all about it and wasnt in my room)

  3. Okay -- I have a confession to make. I declined to play the ol' deuce-four in a hand you were in last night. Do you remember the hand where you raised preflop with 8-8 and had a couple of callers? You then hit an 8 the flop, I believe, and won the hand with a set of 8's. If I had played the mighty deuce-four, I would have rivered the flush and felted you.

    I figured your comments section was the closest thing we have to a confessional. I hope I am forgiven.

  4. Did you raise pre-flop or slow play?

  5. I had REraised pre. So yay me!

  6. Re-raising builds a bigger pot, but sometimes I just call preflop. No use giving away the strength of my hand.

  7. To sevencard2003:

    Tony, you need to learn that NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU.

    You look at a picture which shows your friend the Grump flopping quads with HIS FAVORITE HAND—which he writes about all the time on his blog—an all you see is yourself?!?!

    If you want to have a meaningful life, you MUST learn to think about what is important to other people, especially the ones who you consider to be friends. You must learn to look beyond yourself.
