Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Black Chip Poker withdrawal, Step 1

Last night (August 6) I submitted a request for $700. This is the only withdrawal option, and they charge a $15 fee for it. No "one free per month" like other sites tend to do.

The instructions also said that it would go faster if I were to do photo verification in advance, but, of course, there was no explanation of exactly what that involved or how to do it. (Hint to BCP: That would be an excellent place for a link to a step-by-step explanation of what you would like a customer to do.)

It should be interesting to see what hoops I have to go through, and how long it all takes.


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Odds on you getting the brownies before the check are good.

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Odds are good that you get the brownies long before you see that check.

  3. I'm really glad your withdrawing as this will help me greatly. When I get my roll up to about $250 I was planning on withdrawing about half and depositing on Black Chip as they seem to have more people playing aka more games going and seeing how things go for you will really help me in the final decision as to whether or not I make that deposit when the time comes.

  4. Here is the link for their upload verification documents page.


  5. flush draw, feltstars and merge are the same network, ud be playing the same people, u should sign up under me thru vook, and u can learn how by asking vook in my blog in the feltstars thread. i too am getting my docs to them, BCP already had them, and now im having to do it all over again so i can transfer to vook.

  6. They charge you $15 to get your own money back??? That's obscene It is unethical and should be illegal--that's one more reason they need to totally legalize online poker so they wouldn't be able to do that.

    Curious to follow your adventures as you try to get your money back. Good Luck. I suspect you'll need a lot more luck in trying to get the money back than you needed in actually winning it in the first place.

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