Thursday, September 06, 2012

Does Card Player magazine have any copy editors?

Card Player's print magazine is pretty bad in terms of copy editing, but the web site is just awful. From just one news story today, I bring you these examples:
The Partouche Poker Tour guaranteed an ambitious €5 million prize pool for it’s [sic] annual main event in Cannes....

Instead of providing the players with an overlay, it appears that tournament officials have back peddled [sic]....

After getting the run around [sic] from the floor, many started playing the tournament under protest....

There were rumors circulating various social media sites that the tour would reluctantly do the right thing and put up the overlay, but as of 9:00 a.m. PST, the prize pool remains unchanged. [Apparently Card Player has not yet gotten around to changing its clocks to daylight savings time.]

By all accounts, it appears the tour has taken it’s [sic] ball and gone home.
Maybe my post title asks the wrong question. Maybe it's too ambitious. Maybe I should instead ask, "Did anybody at Card Player magazine manage to pass fifth-grade English?"


  1. I think you should apply for the copy editor job!


  2. Copyediting is such a 20th-century job. No buddys doing it any more.

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Thanks for reading Grump!

  4. I read a blog called The Fifth Down. It's by the NY Times. It's better than what you see a lot of places, but still plenty of typos, etc.

  5. Technically it is daylight saving (no s on the end) time.

  6. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I've seen PST used to mean "the current time in Los Angeles", just as I've seen GMT used for "the current time in London".

    I don't like either use, but it does seem to be current in some groups.
