Thursday, November 01, 2012

Fremont Street Halloween

Last night I walked over to the Golden Nugget for a little of teh pokerz. I won some money, which was about as exciting as I have just made it sound.

The trip over and back, however, was as amusing as it has been every Halloween that I've been in Vegas. First, I ran into a parade that I didn't even know was going to be there:

After playing, I just meandered through the crowd for a while, looking at the people in costumes. It occurred to me that most of you probably had not had the experience of pushing through the Downtown Vegas Halloween Scrum, so I just turned on the video and shot what I was seeing as humanity and I streamed past each other. By far the most popular costume theme this year was "zombie."

Warning: This video is just 14 minutes of me milling around in a crowd, looking at whatever caught my interest for a few seconds. If that sounds worth watching to you, great, have at it. If not, move on. Either way, no complaining allowed.

I was in costume, too, though you can't see it. As is my tradition, I went as "sexy poker player."

Finally I came across an opening in the crowd where a bunch of amateur street performers were just unleashing their version of "Gangnam Style."

And so ends the fun and nuttiness of another Halloween in Vegas.

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