Friday, January 25, 2013

Send-off, part 2

I got positive responses from seven people on a poker tournament and/or Herbs and Rye, plus two more up for the latter only. I don't think eight of us is enough to try to do a private poker tournament, but I feel like accepting Poker Vixen's suggestion to just join in the Treasure Island nightly 7 p.m. tourney, details of which are here. This will be Friday, February 1. At some point after poker, we'll head over to Herbs and Rye--when we're all knocked out, or when most of us are, or at some other point to be determined. I will plan to have one of their Moscow Mules, which will make approximately the 4th alcoholic beverage I've consumed in 6 1/2 years in Las Vegas. That's just how wild and crazy I am.


  1. Bob,

    I wish I could make it, but living half the world away does not make it an easy commute.

    Good luck in your new endeavors.


  2. @Andr0us5:10 AM

    Glitter Gulch??

  3. I would love to be there, too, to wish you well on the next step in your life. GL with everything.

  4. Been working like crazy so I missed the last and the tweet.

    I'd love to do either a tourney or the dinner (the dinner more-so) but unfortunately I work until 10pm on Friday the 1st and am unavailable.

    However, I hope it's a blast for all involved
