Sunday, August 31, 2014

British Isles trip, part 2: The selfies

No sooner do I tell you how I'm going to do posts in this series than I violate the protocol.

This is just a quick assembly of the selfies I took for posting on Twitter day by day, along with whatever I wrote about them when posted. They were taken with my cell phone, not the good camera. They were just silly shots to remind my friends that I was going places and seeing things.

August 18: I haven't mastered the "destination selfie" like @BJNemeth, but here I am at the Tower of London this morning.

August 19: For today's selfie, you have to guess where I am. NO HINTS!

August 20: Selfie-upon-Avon. (Today's tweet sponsored by Wm. Shakespeare.)  

August 21: Liverpool selfie. Like Paul, I'm the cute one.

August 22: The city of York formally expelled me for violating this ordinance. 

August 22: The City Council of Leeds commands you to litter. 

August 23: Today's selfie comes from the shore of Lake Windermere in NW England. I call it "Duckface with duck." 

August 24: Today's selfie comes to you from the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. 

August 24: Bonus selfie to induce envy in golfers. 

August 25: Today's selfie is from the top of Edinburgh Castle. 

August 26: Today's selfie is from the ferry from Scotland to Northern Ireland. It guest-stars my 91-year-old father. 

August 27: Today's selfie comes from Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland. It's one of the most amazing natural sights I've seen. 

August 28: Selfie with sister on tour bus in Dublin. Flying home tomorrow. 

August 28: Selfie with sister, s-in-law, brother, and father, last dinner of our big trip. (B-in-law sick, stayed at hotel.) 

OK, that's all of them. I'm really not as narcissistic as that series makes me seem, taken in all at once. They were just for funsies. After this post, I disappear behind the camera. 

1 comment:

  1. Matt Jewell10:30 AM

    Wow, Grump. Great pics. Looks like me and Ali are doing the same trip as you starting later this month. We start in York and train it up to Edinburgh, Glasgow then ferry to Belfast and then into Dublin for the World Airline Road Race. Looks like you had or are having a wonderful time. Hope your Dad feels better soon.
