Thursday, September 11, 2014

British Isles trip, part 13: Conwy Castle

Link to photo dump.

From Liverpool, we followed the north coast of Wales to the walled town of Conwy. Conwy Castle is another amazing place. It's full of interesting rooms and nooks and crannies that I didn't have enough time to explore. I'm also just generally amazed that anything built so long ago is still standing, even if partially in ruins.

We were there in the mid-afternoon of a bright, sunny day (with wicked wind). This caused harsh shadows--terrible for pictures of your relatives, but delightfully dramatic for pictures of a stone structure.

(That's my sister looking at me from the next tower.)

This is one of the portals through the walls that surround and protect the city. Only one car at a time can fit through. I had to wait several minutes before I got a window of a few seconds when no cars were in the shot.

I quickly became enthralled with the Welsh language. It looks so dang unpronounceable, but sounds so sweetly poetic when spoken. I took these shots of road signs--printed in both English and Welsh--from our speeding bus.


  1. I think you sell yourself short re your photos. They are nice and sharp and you did a good job finding interesting perspectives. I'm enjoying this series.

  2. Interesting story regarding the Welsh road signs. Some time ago, they used to use an individual to do the translations. Anyway, they needed a sign for a temporary redirection. They got the reply and got it printed. What they actually got was "I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated."
