Sunday, September 07, 2014


I'm thinking about making my first trip back to Vegas in mid-November. (The annual blogger thing in early December wouldn't work as well for me.) Who's gonna be around? Any specific dates I should shoot for or avoid?


  1. Based on recent years I will likely be in Vegas a few days before Thanksgiving all the way through November (and beyond).

    I'm sure you want another chance to bluff me off my Kings.

  2. I will be in town Nov. 14-17 for the RNR Half Marathon.

  3. Long time reader (and fan), but not sure if I've ever posted. I'll be around the weekend of the 15th-ish. Would love to stop by somewhere and say hello. Thanks!

  4. I'll be here from the 1st through the 2016th or so, give or take.
