Monday, March 16, 2015

PokerNews article #56

This one is about the ways in which cash differs from chips on the poker table.


  1. This is impossibly good timing, to get this posted so soon after the MGM announcement. Be honest, did you have this in the pipeline already, or were able to knock this out really fast and bump it ahead of what you had scheduled for today?

    Good job, regardless. Liked the IP story. Not sure if I agree tho, if he had the bill on the table for awhile, I don't see how it's not in play. When I take a bill out to play with, I don't usually tell the dealer unless I want chips for the bill.

  2. I saw the MGM announcement Friday. Saturday I had lunch with Nina and we talked about it. A few minutes later, I lamented that I didn't know what to write about for PokerNews this week. She suggested the subject, which I thought was excellent. I wrote it Saturday afternoon.

    I understand your point about the IP. But on the other hand, that kind of practice would reward people who manage to be sneaky about putting cash on the table, which seems like something we wouldn't want to encourage.

    If a poker room is going to deviate from the standard that people expect and not allow cash, they should post signs prominently explaining that.
