Sunday, April 13, 2008

Poker massages

These are some scattered thoughts about getting a massage while playing poker.

1. In Las Vegas, they are available at Caesars Palace, Rio, Venetian, Palms, MGM Grand for sure. I assume they probably are also available at Mirage, Bellagio, and Wynn, though I don't play at those places often enough to have noticed. If they are available anywhere else in town, it's news to me.

2. The standard rate seems to be $2/minute, though I was surprised that the one time I indulged in one at the Rio I was charged $2.50/minute. At the MGM, you can't pay in chips--cash only. That's the only place I've seen that policy. I assume it was implemented because some players objected to anything more than trivial amounts of money being taken out of play.

3. Beware of a player contesting the pot while he's getting a massage. Most would rather sit back and enjoy the experience and sort of tune out of the game for a while, and will tend to play only premium hands, and get out of it if they don't improve. I have never yet seen a player caught bluffing while receiving a massage. It seems that there's some sort of fundamental incompatibility between trying to pull off a bluff while relaxing at the hands of a masseuse.

4. I think I've had a total of six table massages--all of them 10 minutes each--in nearly two years of playing here, so I can hardly claim a wealth of experience. But it seems to me that I don't play as well after it's over. I think I get feeling so relaxed that I lose both focus on and interest in the game. I kind of go through the motions, but tend to stay pretty much stagnant in chip count thereafter. So while I'd like to think that the massage is a nice way to break up a long session and get reinvigorated to keep playing, so far my experience is that it effectively ends any serious money-making. As they say, your mileage may vary. I'm sure there are others who get the opposite reaction, feel charged up by it, and can get back into the game even more aggressively than before. That's what I thought might happen the first few times I tried it, but it never works.

5. It's a sample of only one, but the young woman at the Rio was the roughest massage therapist I've ever encountered, in or out of a poker room. My shoulders hurt for two days after she was finished with me. Not a pleasant experience. It was also the only place at which the masseuses do not have cushions for their clients to use, which meant that I had to rest my chin on either my hands or the hard back of the chair--mighty uncomfortable.

6. Sometimes it feels so good that I want to propose marriage on the spot. Luckily, I have so far restrained myself. (Because, obviously, none of the young women would be able to resist such a tempting offer, and then I would be stuck.)

7. I usually only go for a massage when my infraspinatus is hurting me (see this post). I use this not only to help direct the therapist's attention to where it is needed, but as sort of a test for whether they are really licensed massage therapists, as all claim to be. If they don't know where the infraspinatus is without me telling them, they probably didn't go to school. So far, all have passed with flying colors.

8. You know that there has to be something to gripe about on this subject, right? Well, here it is. Several times, in the larger rooms, when more than one massage therapist is present, I have overheard men planning to get a massage, and discussing with their pals which one to choose. Invariably, the selection is made not in a rational manner (e.g., by having watched their styles as they work on other players, and picking what looks like it more or less matches what you know you like), but by physical attractiveness. It seems uber-important to these guys to be sure to get their massage from the "hottest" woman on duty.

This is so messed up it's hard to know where to start. How does the therapist's attractiveness tell you anything about her skill or technique, or even her personality, for that matter? Why do her looks matter, when she's going to be standing behind you, out of sight? Do you harbor some fantasy that she's going to want to date you as soon as she has touched your back? Do you think your friends watching will think less of you if you get a table massage from a rather plain therapist? Hear this, you meatheads: HER LOOKS CAN'T POSSIBLY MATTER!

One time at Caesars Palace there were two therapists available, one of whom was substantially more conventionally attractive than the other, and after watching for a couple of hours, the more attractive one was frequently busy, but the other did not get a single client, as far as I noticed. I had been watching to try to see which one looked more my "style" (I like gentle--I'm just a big ol' softie, you know), but I couldn't get any information on the second young woman, because she never got hired.* It was a horrendous imbalance, and the reasons for it must have been painfully obvious to both women. So when I had seen enough, I waited until the underemployed one wandered by, and asked her to work on me. It was a complete crap-shoot, as far as I was concerned, which one would be more to my liking, and I found it an easy call to let the decision be made by doing my small part to even the score between the two of them. I'm willing to say that the players who made their choice that night based on comparing these young women's looks were loathsome, shallow, warped pigs. I'm no hero for making the opposite choice, but I think that a touch of human sympathy is a far better motivation for a choice than the misguided ego-stroking that appeared to have behind the selection made by everybody else that night.

I think that a male trying to make his living doing poker table massages would go broke fast. But how does that make any sense? I'm ashamed of the degree and prevalence of sexism and chauvinism in the poker-playing population. Most of them seem to be about as shallow and homophobic as George Costanza (below, in two parts)--and how unflattering an assessment is that?

Oh, and by the way, that massage was the physically nicest, most perfect of the six I've had. I'd pick her again in a heartbeat.

*Yes, I know that I can tell them what I want. But as with picking a barber, it's just a lot nicer and easier to luck into one that automatically "gets it" than one that you have to direct in minute detail.

Addendum, May 18, 2008

I was at Mandalay Bay's poker room last night, and saw two massage therapists working the room. I had never noticed them there previously. However, it's not one of the places at which I spend the most time, so they could have been there for a while without me knowing it. Or it could that they're only there on weekends, so I just haven't been there at the right times to see them. Anyway, you can add Mandalay Bay to the list of places where table massages are available.

Addendum, October 31, 2008

Since writing the above, I've also seen massage therapists in the poker rooms at Red Rock and Excalibur.

Addendum, February 3, 2009

I can now also add Aliante Station and Boulder Station (yes, Boulder Station!) to the list of poker rooms in which massages are at least sometimes offered.

Addendum, February 7, 2009

Last night saw one wandering around the poker room at Imperial Palace offering massages, so the list grows again.

Addendum, February 14, 2009

Yet another addition: I saw massages being offered at the Harrah's poker room last night.

Addendum, March 1, 2009

Treasure Island has them, too.

Addendum, April 30, 2009

Now Bally's, too.

Addendum, July 14, 2009


Addendum, August 30, 2009

Red Rock.

Addendum, September 24, 2009

Bill's Gamblin' Hall and Saloon.


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    When have looks ever correlated to anything? Take CWs for example. Does a good looking 20 year old cocktail waitress give better service than a 50 year old average looking one because she's better looking? No. Do the dealers at the Pussy Cat Dolls pit or the Hooters pit deal better because of their low cut outfits? No. Take it to the world outside of Vegas. Is Cadillac a better car because some smokin' hot actress is asking if your car turns you on? No.

    But this is Vegas/Fantasy Island, so visitors behave differently and have different expectations. Something out of the ordinary. I'm sorry to say, I'm no different. I've been to 2 spas in Vegas and I preferred the one with the younger, hotter women. The service was, as you mentioned, roughly equal. If I'm at home, do I care? No. Just do the job.

    So why the preference? Well, I'm on vacation in Vegas dammit, and I want a hottie doing my facial/massage.

    Is it right? No, it's not. But it's something I'm aware of and have to deal with.

    Is any of this going to change? No.
    Should it? Yes.

    And a word about male massage therapists. I've had them, and unless they shave from the elbows down, I find arm hair less than soothing. In a poker room, I suppose that wouldn't matter.

    BTW, thanks for the great blog. I've gotten through almost all of the archives. Learned a few things and enjoyed your writing a lot.

  2. Anonymous1:22 AM

    How does one go about becoming a poker table massage therapist? I'm not being facetious. I've been a massage therapist for 17 years. A client I worked on recently who is a professional poker player "joked"(I'm not sure if he was) about flying me out to Vegas for one of his tournaments after I gave him some relief from a long-standing injury. But it got me thinking about looking into it. How does someone go about getting permission from the casinos? Or can you be invited by the organization who is sponsoring the tournament. I'd like to put together a team of experienced therapists to focus on poker player injuries. It may sound cocky but it's usually not very difficult for an experienced therapist to greatly help, or even fix, issues such as your infraspinatus pain. I am in Florida but coming to Vegas, especially for the bigger tournaments, is not a problem and if it worked out, I'd move there.

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      There is a company out in vegas that hires the massage therapists and is contacted to quite a few hotels out there. They are all licensed and insured. I found out about it when I was on vacation out there and got a chair massage at the Miracle Mile Shops. I am also a LMT and wondered the same thing. You should go and check it out. The licensing for Nevada is a bit steep, but I'm sure what you could make doing massage at the poker tables makes up for it.

  3. Sorry, but I don't know. I am sure of this much: they are not free-lancers. The casino is involved in the selection/employment in some way. There is a company called Casino'ssage (weird name) that contacts to some of them to provide the therapists. Other places do them in-house. The Venetian used to use that company, but recently changed to having them come from its own spa, which is called Canyon Ranch, I think. I know that many come from all over for the WSOP, but I have no idea who at the Rio or Harrah's corporation organizes it.

  4. Anonymous3:31 AM

    To work in a poker room, you have to have a clark county independent massage license then, you contract with one of the massage companys who have secured a contract for the rights to supply the contractors. They treat you like employees but you are independent. they take half your money for doing nothing but giving you a shirt and xpect you to be grateful to them. They pay the casino a small % and pocket the remaining PURE PROFIT. It is really sick how it is run here in vegas. If the casinos were smart, they would pay someone to manage the girls and then take the profit the massage co. scams from them. The co that is in harrahs and all them is really shady. he "buys" the contracts and thinks he is successful. It is sad. I have a friend that works for him. What a nightmare. The casinos are letting an enormous profit just walk out the door. They think they need these co. to have the girls that massage but they dont. They can still be independent, not employees. that would be ideal. They all have a middle man when they dont need one. They know it too. It is sick, the poker room mgrs get paid under the table to keep the co. in there. you think it dosnt go on but, believe me, it does.

  5. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Same pimp again this year runnin the massage girls at wsop puttin 3x's as many is needed to swarm around the tables cackilin massage massage! I will F**in call you over when I need a massage dumb bi**h PLEASE let me play poker and quit rappin in my ear and don't even THINK about touchin me I am so irritated at these girls I know they just tryin to make $ but jeezzzz me too and can you have the decency to leave me the F**k alone for 2 seconds thanks...and to the pimp...get a job

    1. Anonymous1:40 AM

      So inconsiderate! You degenerate! These girls are getting raped by their massage pimp ie: Professional Massage inc. Just to earn a wage to feed their families! These girls pay for 3 state/county licenses, plus yearly insurance and renewal dues, work for a chovenist pig that monitors their earnings to the cent and steals half!! All the while these girls get treated like sex workers by most customers and paid a fraction! That girl whispering massage to you is likely the most action you've had. So why don't you get a real job you gambling degenerate and let these girls do theirs! Wear head phones if their pretty voices bother you that much! Smh

  6. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I work at the Hard Rock in Tampa, FL doing Poker Massage - It's a good gig - the guys/girls love it and you can make decent money. Everyone seems happy, although some players do balk at the $2.00 per minute price.

  7. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I keep on stumbling onto this blog, which I love. Anyways to add to this. I am a massage therapist and was just recently hired for Charles Town Races and Slots (known recently as Hollywood Casinos of Charles Town, WV) to work as a poker room massage therapist. Which just added tables a year ago. Massages are $1/minute and as I'm told (I start Tues) tournaments are on all day Tuesdays AND possibly Wednesdays I believe. It hopefully will be a great experience for everyone. :) I can't wait.

  8. Anonymous8:38 PM

    In Nevada, all licensed massage therapist are required to display a copy of their license on their uniform/fannypack. I am a licensed massage therapist and received a massage last year at the WSOP during the employee tournament. After the massage, I noticed the license displayed was different than mine so I asked to see it. He was a reflexologist not a massage therapist and not really qualified to do chair massage since any training he got was for hand, foot and possibly ear depending on the weekend class he took. If he had insurance, I doubt it would have covered him if he hurt someone since he was practicing beyond his scope. Nevada has a loophole that allows reflexologist to preform massage legally with little training. For $2./min, I want a licensed professional. Ask to see the license upfront!

  9. Anonymous11:16 PM

    My wife was offered a job at the Kennel Club in WPB she is a LMT. The hours are a bit long but I feel she will make decent bread. The licenses
    to work there are costing her $160.00 but one would think she could make that in a night or two...thoughts???
