Thursday, April 02, 2009

Poker gems, #231

Mike Caro, in Poker Player newspaper column, April 13, 2009 (vol. 12, #21).

Poker played properly isn't about pride or entertainment. It's about money. And if you're playing it for other reasons, you've probably chosen the wrong game.


  1. Playing poker for entertainment is worth the money. All games cost something and poker is an enjoyable past time.

  2. Every once in a while, I have to re-post this disclaimer: The presence of something in a "poker gem" does not mean that I necessarily endorse or agree with it. It simply means that I found it interesting, provocative, funny, well-phrased, or otherwise noteworthy.

    When I play heads-up games online against Cardgrrl or my nephew, the money is the least of it. It's the fun, the interaction, the competition, the bragging rights, etc. Poker doesn't ALWAYS have to be primarily about the money. But when I head to a casino for a cash game, yeah, it's only about three things: Money, money, and money.
