Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Zero-level thinking

I swear, this is not an April Fool's Day post. Well, it is that day, but this post is in earnest.

I just finished a HORSE SNG. The following was the most amusing hand from the session. (Well, Cardgrrl thinks another hand was more amusing, and she is writing that up as I do this one. Edit: It is here.)

A couple of months ago, Shamus wrote a post about zero-level thinking, in which it is not possible to attribute even the most rudimentary poker reasoning to a player's action. This falls into that category.

Usually when I post hand replays, I have all the cards exposed from the outset. This is an occasion where I think you will enjoy it more if you see them at the same point in the hand that I did.

I folded a full house on the river. Not everybody thinks the same way.


  1. phrankguy11:09 PM

    He was picking off a bluff with 5 high!

  2. Zot957:02 PM

    I don't know... three-of-a-kind is pretty strong at a five-handed table.

  3. This is fascinating. I've got to learn how to do this.

    First - I don't know squat, but I've been reading some.

    Would it have made sense for either the 999s or Grump to bet more aggressively on the flop?

    The turn for either hand would make me nervous.

    No way I could lay down a full house. Nicely played, sir!

  4. HORSE is all played limit, not no-limit, so fixed betting amounts.
