Monday, December 07, 2009

What's the name of that magazine again?

As I was detouring through the shopping area of the Venetian on my way out (see post below), I passed a display of pamphlets and free magazines. This one caught my eye.

When I first glanced at it, I thought the name of the magazine had a different vowel as the central letter than it actually turned out to be. I think the reasons for my misperception may best be left in the realm of speculation.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Because if anywhere is going to support an industry magazine devoted to the profession it would be Vegas?

  2. Grump-
    Not sure why I am choosing this post to mention this but...

    In the past I have been able to faithfully view your blog during lunch hour at work. Recently, the server team at work has blocked your blog page (reason: 'Gambling content').
    Q: Do you know of a way to get around this annoying development?
