Monday, April 30, 2012

Winner, winner--no chicken dinner

One of the earliest submissions in the win-a-chip contest was my favorite, and I thought was unlikely to be surpassed. From "k9dr":
I personally believe that I should win the chip because U.S Americans are unable to do so because uh, some people out there in our nation don't have chips and I believe like such as South Africa and the Iraq everywhere like such as and I believe that Oshea's here in the U.S should help South Africa and the Iraq and the Asian countries so we can build up our future for our children and I can win the chip.
If you don't understand why that's funny, you may be the only person in the world who hasn't seen the video clip it is parodying.

But a last-minute entry snatched away the win. I'm afraid it exposes that my sentimental streak is even stronger and deeper than my snarky streak. From "Andy":
I can't believe this place is closing. It has a very special place in my heart. Here's my story.

I was playing blackjack there in 2003 with a buddy. We were sitting at a table with 3 girls from CA. We started a conversation with them and I was pretty quickly smitten with one of them. We ended up handing out with these girls the rest of the night and I ended up spending most of the rest of my trip with this one girl.

To make the story short, we ended up having a long distance relationship(I lived in NC, she in CA) for two years. We tried to see each other at least every 3 months and for the most part, we did.

After two years, we decided we didn't want to live apart anymore and she moved to NC to live with me. We were married a year later and will celebrate our sixth wedding anniversary next month.

We go back to Vegas at least once a year together and always go back and spend some time there. I am going back in July for the WSOP main even and it will be strange for that place not to be there anymore.

I would love to give that chip to my wife on our anniversary next month. I know she would love it.

OK, Andy, you win, and I hope your wife will like getting the chip. (But, HINT: You might want to sweeten the anniversary gift package with something else.) Now, however, I have to find out who you are. Please submit a comment to this post with your full name and address (I won't publish the comment, so don't worry about exposure), and I'll pop the thing in the mail within a few days.

I hope the story is true. But if it's just a giant bluff (which I clearly indicated was OK), well-played.


  1. Haha, of course the story isn't true and neither was mine.

    Pfff As if this were true --->"Also, you're so darn good at poker, the only way I'd get a red bird from you is if you'd give it to me."

  2. You picked the right story. True or false, it was sweet.

  3. NIce story, but way over 100 words.

  4. As soon as I read Andy's comment, I knew I was reading the winner. I almost withdrew from the contest when I saw it. It was an excellent post and certainly touching.

    That said, if it WAS a bluff, then I guess he still deserves it for pulling off a bluff on such a good poker player as yourself.

    HOWEVER, Andy violated TWO rules for your contest, perhaps the only the two rules you had.

    1. He went WAY over 100 words, 226 to be exact. I counted mine so I had exactly 100.

    2. He didn't properly identify himself, there was no link back on his name, he should have been disqualified for that because two minutes after your post announcing the winner went up, I or anyone else could have claimed to be Andy and claimed the prize.

    Grump, what's the point of having rules if the person who establishes the rules ignores them???

  5. excellent choice... true or false. as much as I am a smartass I always prefer a tearjerking story more than anything else. THere is good in everyone... you just have to be willing to look for it.

  6. Clearly, you have bypassed your baser instincts by not awarding the chip to CardGrrl. She was the most logical choice! However I have seen thru your plan: Ingratiate yourself by choosing a smarmy, sappy lovey-dovey story. You get bonus points for being sympathetic, caring, and romantic.

    I can only add: well played sir, well played!

    Of course, this is all humor.

  7. But, but, but I almost married a girl that I saw across the bar at O'sheas, but was too scared to talk to and she was really pretty and we could have gotten married but she was gone and every since then I go to O'sheas to buy beer and see if she is back and why can't I win the chip cause I almost got married too and it was so close and she was really pretty and it was nice there and I'm sad it is closing..
