Monday, July 21, 2008

A quick trip back in time

A couple of days ago, out of nowhere, I had a sudden flashback to the moment when I first came across the word "blog."

It was about five years ago. I was sitting in a doctor's waiting room, reading the local newspaper. There was a feature article introducing readers to the whole "blog" concept. (I thought it was one of the ugliest word coinings ever. Still think that, in fact.) The article was written in sections, with the first one at the bottom, and subsequent pieces farther up the page, so that one had to read the article nearly backwards, compared to regular newspaper writing--obviously to sort of simulate how blogs are written.

I managed to read the whole thing before being called in for my appointment.

I distinctly remember having this reaction: What a dumb idea. Who would read such a thing? Who would write one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how fast blogging has risen over the last few years. I read blogs more than I do regular big "News Websites". I've read your blog more than all of the big poker site's blogs.

Let's hope the ISP's don't get their wish and take the "free" internet and start blocking out certain websites so "sponsored" websites get more traffic, earning ISP's more money.