Saturday, May 17, 2014

Montford Music and Arts Festival

Nina and I went to the Montford Music and Arts Festival in the Montford neighborhood in Asheville today. I'm still getting to know my new camera, so I took it along and tried to remember to be on the lookout for photo opportunities. There were a few interesting things to see, but I mostly wanted to capture the fact that people were enjoying themselves.

Here are the results. Right click/open in new tab to see bigger.

As you can see, a good time was had by all.

Well, except maybe this poor kid, who had the only tear-smeared face I saw all afternoon, and was bawling conspicuously:

I'll leave you with a sampling of the toe-tapping bluegrass music we heard, from a band called "Cat Dragons."


Memphis MOJO said...

Nice pictures of Cardgrrl -- looks like Asheville is agreeing with here.

Rakewell said...

Oh, did some of her slip in? Huh. I hadn't noticed.


angerisagift said...

looks like a cool festival. what kind of food did they have? also looks like u r using that camera BUT r u using that bike or is it still in a box?

Rakewell said...

The bike is no longer in the box. I put it back together on Monday--at least mostly. I had a few little parts left over, and I couldn't get the brakes and derailleurs adjusted quite right. So yesterday I took it to a local bike shop to finish the job up right. Should have it back by Tuesday or Wednesday in tip-top shape.

Josie said...

Love the photo of the sad boy at the end. Beautiful.

angerisagift said...

awesome, grump. food at the festival?

Rakewell said...

Food trucks, some of everything.

norm said...

Outstanding photos.....the "Spidey" guy was really ad treat. Did you get a photo release for publishing it?

Rakewell said...

No. No such release is needed.