Tuesday, April 08, 2008

On my non-iPod

It's my birthday next week (47--almost too high to keep counting now). My brother (who is five years older but somehow still alive, which gives me a modicum of hope for a few more years of life, though I'm sure it will be a wretched, decrepit existence at such advanced years) sent me the CD pictured above as a nice b-day present.

What do you get when you cross bluegrass with Led Zeppelin? Sounds like it should be a joke, but it's not. I had actually heard of this collaboration late last year, from this review on National Public Radio: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=16251067. I think that describes the result better than I can, so I'll just add that I like it. Nice, mellow poker music.

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