Monday, March 10, 2008

Full Tilt on double secret probation?

Michael Craig reports a brilliant idea for an advertisement (

Last fall, I talked with some people at Full Tilt about developing an
educational product. My main idea was for a video advertisement for the product.
The ad would be set at some kind of academic gathering – caps and gowns,
old-time professorial types. And there in the center would be Howard Lederer, as
the “dean” of this institution. One of the others would say, “You certainly have
your hands full with some of these students.” Cut to scenes lifted from Animal
House, but with Full Tilt pros: Lindgren and Ivey hitting golf balls through
windows, Gavin Smith riding his motorcycle up a flight of stairs, Gus Hansen
hauling a ladder to the sorority house window, Matusow leading a horse through a
deserted courtyard at night, etc.

The payoff would be Howard
saying, “Students? That’s the faculty.”

Given recent revelations, he might also need to include a shot of one or two of the FTP "faculty" peeking at others' papers during exams (see, e.g.,;;

But other than that, it's a great concept. Too bad the powers that be at Full Tilt apparently didn't see the value in it.

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