Friday, May 16, 2008

Look for me in the book

As I've mentioned several times, most of my online time lately has been spent trying to become modestly competent at razz. In the process, I believe I have set a new record. I'm trying to reach the folks at Guinness to see if they'll start recognizing a new category, for which I will be the first record-holder.

Specifically, how many times in a row do you think that you can be dealt K-K-x and have to post the bring-in? Well, yesterday for me it was 9,841 in a row.

I did the math on that, and the odds of this happening are precisely 497,844,016,923,506,881,542 to 1 against.

I'm in a session right now, and it appears that Poker Stars is working on beating yesterday's mark, so stay tuned for more updates.


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1 comment:

gadzooks64 said...

Man, I think we'd create a Kharmic black hole if we ever sat at a Razz table together.

Your Razz luck sounds suspiciously like mine.

I assume you also take great pleasure in asking yourself repeated, "Uh, WhyTheEff am I still playing this stupid game?" as the ante for the next hand slides from your stack into that black hole in the middle of the table.