Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Weird (but cute) card protectors

At the Excalibur tonight, a couple of seats to my right was a middle-aged woman with two odd card protectors. As you can see, I hope, one of them is a turtle, the other an anteater or maybe an aardvark. (I'm pretty sure that's the first time the word "aardvark" has been used in this blog.) Each of them had a head that would bobble around when the thing was moved.

Cute. Weird, but cute.

She asked why I wanted to take a picture of them. I explained that I used such things as filler material for my poker blog when I didn't have anything meaningful to write about. She said that if I was going to feature her little friends, I should be sure to note that their names are, respectively, Sparky and Diablo. Duly noted.

When these guys weren't working well enough for her, in terms of bringing good luck, she had others to supplement her little army. One was a yellow duck, looking just like the classic bathtub rubber ducky, except made of hard plastic. Press a button on it, and little beams of light shoot out of its mouth and it quacks. Similarly, a Holstein cow would flash and moo when activated.

Amazing how little it takes to keep us poker players amused during a long stretch of unplayable hands.


Anonymous said...

I think it's an armadillo. Perhaps the lady was from Texas.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for "armadillo" for mystery animal number two. Matches with the hard shell (like the turtle) and the Spanish name.

Anonymous said...

I'm going with aardvark, only because I'd like to see "aardvark" top the pile of labels down the left side of the page. "Armadillo" would merely become lost in the shuffle, as armadillos are wont to do.

Rakewell said...

C'mon, tell the truth: you just don't want it to be an Ant.eater.

Sara said...

I actually have several of those that I bought from a sidewalk vendor in Nogales several years ago. I don't use them as card toppers, though. The second one is most definitely an armadillo.

Anonymous said...

I purchased a similar turtle from vendor while on a vacation in Ixtapa Zihuatanejo. Never thought of using it as a card protector though.