Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Poker faces, #5

From this week's episode of High Stakes Poker, we have a tie!

First up is Tom Dwan (a recurring contestant). This week he is giving us his version of "Eli called my big bluff on the river. How did he know?"

Our second equally deserving contestant is new to this series. It's none other than David "Viffer" Peat, doing his rendition of "I have top pair top kicker, and the fishy fat bastard is raising me. WTF is up with that?"

Strong work, gentlemen!


Anonymous said...

Hey Grump,
I didn't see an email for you so I am posting this here: check out this interesting incident at REI regarding photography.....

Anonymous said...

An interesting tell from Viffer there, wouldn't you say? Bitting of the lip is a pacifying gesture indicating weakness.

Unknown said...

Those ARE good faces. Nice captures.